太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 Celebrates Exceptional Staff and Faculty

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的教职员工在2018年秋季毕业典礼上的杰出工作得到了认可. Annual distinctions included the Fran Sandoval Support Staff Excellence Award, 金太阳奖, the 物理设施 Staff Excellence Award 和 President’s Service Excellence Award.  获奖者的奖金和津贴由 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站基金会.

弗兰·桑多瓦尔卓越支持员工奖颁给了物理设备部门的两名员工——内森·琼斯和尼克·塔奇.  被提名为一对, 他们在保持校园清洁和美丽方面的辛勤工作和奉献精神得到了认可, all while performing their duties with professionalism, 非常注重细节, 并向任何需要帮助的人提供帮助. 这个奖项, 哪个带2美元,000年津贴, 成立于2004年,以表彰支持员工的努力和贡献,他们的工作促进了太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的成就和精神.

   内森•琼斯  尼克环节



弗农·威利获得了金太阳奖, 这是一项对等奖,每年两次颁发给对学院使命和愿景做出杰出贡献的员工. Willie, 数学副教授, has an innate ability to encourage students through his kindness, 理解并相信学生的能力. 金太阳奖有300美元的津贴. 




The 物理设施 Staff Excellence Award went to 物理设施 employee 劳拉·丹诺, 谁从2012年开始在学院工作. Darrow always finds a way to maintain a positive, helpful attitude. The quality, as well as the quantity of her work, is outstanding. 具有团队合作精神, Darrow has significantly contributed to the overall success of the 物理设施. 为表彰这一奖项,将颁发1000美元的津贴.




 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站院长. Toni Hopper Pendergrass为太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站行为干预小组(BIT)颁发了总统卓越服务奖. 北京理工学院的团队是校园不可分割的一部分, 为学生提供服务和支持, faculty, 职员及行政. 由泰勒Haskell领导, BIT团队主席, 以及来自太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站家庭和扩展社区的各个地区的个人, BIT作为沟通和协调的中心联络点,讨论和评估关注和关心的问题. 去年, through their efforts, this group cared for almost 600 referrals. 总统卓越服务奖每年颁发一次,奖金为500美元. 





Promoting a healthy lifestyle — SNAPP hosts drug and alcohol forums


太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站社会规范 & 酒精预防方案(SNAPP)最近举办了两场太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站……问题的信息论坛 未成年人饮酒 和 Misuse & 滥用处方止痛药.

SNAPP, a grant funded program housed in the Student Activities Department, aims to promote healthy lifestyles free from alcohol, 烟草和其他药物的使用.  他们与学生活动和社区组织密切合作,教育太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站(SJC)的学生了解不安全的后果, 过度饮酒, 以及向未成年人提供酒精饮料的风险.

The primary goals of the informational forums were to provide 教育 and prevention.  论坛还提供了一个机会,让社区和学生了解未成年人饮酒和滥用处方止痛药的严重风险,Nileta Pioche说, SJC SNAPP项目主任.

“The forums were designed to raise community awareness, deliver prevention messages and present collected data to community members, 政府官员, 预防专业人员, parents, 教育工作者, 学生与青年,皮奥切继续说.

第一届会议介绍了地方和全州未成年人饮酒数据以及未成年人饮酒时的相关风险. 第二次会议包括太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站误用和滥用处方止痛药的地方和全州数据的信息.

Students were encouraged to attend as part of the SJC Welcome Back Week. 免费课程在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站亨德森美术中心表演大厅举行. 这些论坛也标志着SNAPP将举办的其他预防活动的学年开始.

For more information, contact the 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 Social Norms & 酒精预防方案,电话:505-566-3294.


夏琳·贝盖加冕为“英国小姐”. 印第安太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站


Charlene Begay

Ms. 印第安太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站,Charlene Begay


Congratulations to 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 student Charlene Begay who was recently crowned Ms. 印第安太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站.

Begay is a 2015 graduate of Many Farms High School in Many Farms, Arizona. 她是太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的全日制学生. Charlene plans to receive her Associate of Science degree in Nursing. 在她完成副学士学位之后, 夏琳计划申请太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站护理课程,攻读护理学士学位. 她的目标是成为一名儿科护士,回到纳瓦霍保留地在萨利工作, Arizona, at the Indian Health Service (IHS) near her community of Lukachukai, Arizona.

她是母亲家族第一个高中毕业生,也是太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的第一代学生, Charlene wants to serve as a role model to the people of her community. She is proud of her 教育al goals and hopes to make a difference in her community.

Begay作为女士的角色. 印第安太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站将担任学院印第安人中心和学生的大使. SJC的美洲原住民中心提供项目和服务,支持学生追求他们的高等教育目标. It offers a variety of assistance including admission assistance, 学术和奖学金咨询, 以及提供有关服务的信息,使大学体验成为积极的.

“我们很高兴Charlene能担任. 印第安太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站,Byron tsabetsay说, director of the 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 美洲原住民中心. “I know she will do a wonderful job representing our culture 和 美洲原住民中心, serving both as a strong advocate for 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 and as a positive role model.”

When asked what she would like to share with 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 students as Ms. 印第安太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, 沙琳说:“我想鼓励所有太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的学生为自己是谁、来自哪里感到自豪. 你的家人和社区都支持你. You have the ability to become who you have always dreamed of, someone people can look up to. You’re not only a role model to young people, but to other generations. 继续推动. It will all be worth it when you’re walking across that stage at graduation. 你可以做到的!”

For more information about the 美洲原住民中心, 包括部落奖学金, 打电话给505-566-3321.





SJC Pickleball

Opening celebration and ribbon cutting of the new Pickleball courts


Pickleball is a mix of table tennis, paddle tennis, badminton and tennis.  Without the mobility required for tennis, it uses an underhand serve and is easy to learn.  太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站健康和人类表现中心(HHPC)现在有更多的球场可供匹克球运动员全年享受比赛.

Pickleball was first invented in 1965 by three families from the Seattle, Washington, area.  The parents needed an activity to entertain their children during the summer. They claim the name was suggested because one of the family dogs, 叫泡菜, would chase the stray balls and hide in the bushes – thus the sport, Pickleball, 出生!

狂热的匹克球运动员, 乔阿楚, 找到艾德·迪斯普拉斯, 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站执行副校长, earlier this year about adding more courts at the HHPC.

“We have more players than ever and many travel from out of town,” says Archuleta.  “有多个法院, the teams are able to split according to their level of play, so a beginner doesn’t have to be intimidated by an advanced player.”

今年夏天体育馆地板重新铺设的时候, 我们增设了法院,科迪·埃利奇解释道, HHPC的主任.  “我们很高兴能提供更多的场地来适应这项日益流行的运动,促进锻炼和整体健康.”

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站’s Encore Program has been offering Pickleball classes for over 10 years, 有初级和中级班. “我们喜欢我们匹克球学生的热情,丽莎·迪斯说, 社区学习中心主任, 并补充说,课程经常是满的, and Encore has included more classes to meet the demand. “We love to see the sport continuing to grow in popularity in the area, and we’re excited for the playing opportunities the HHPC is providing, 感谢额外的法院.”

在130英里以内,000平方英尺的设施, HHPC有一个攀爬塔, 室内高架轨道, 有三个场地的体育馆, 舞蹈工作室, 集体健身工作室, 评估实验室, 健康资源中心, 还有一个户外设备租赁中心.


周一下午两点.m. - 5 p.m. - 3个球场

周二下午6点.m. - 8:45 p.m. - 3个球场

星期四下午2点.m. - 5 p.m. - 3个球场

周五,下午4点.m. - 7:30 p.m. - 3个球场

星期六,早上7点.m. – 12 p.m. - 3个球场

Please note: Credit classes and special events may alter available play times.

For more information on Encore classes, call 505-566-3214 or visit dctdsj.com/Encore.  For more information on Pickleball at the HHPC, call 505-566-3410 or visit dctdsj.com/HHP




DPS的使命是为太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站社区提供一个安全和支持性的学习环境, embracing a community-oriented approach and utilizing communication, 教育, 合作, 积极主动的做法.

The 公共安全部 has opened the lines of communication with students, 社区成员和太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的访客.

They, along with the college’s Department of Information Technology, implemented the Rave Alert system to notify individuals about campus emergencies, 关闭及天气警告. The system automatically sends alerts to those with 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 email addresses. Students and employees who opt in, also receive text notifications.

去年, DPS开启了狂欢守护者, 这让学生, 教职员工, 以及社区成员沟通任何校园紧急情况或关注学院的DPS工作人员. “狂欢卫士系统是一个很好的工具,可以帮助每个人保持安全,”公共安全主任肯尼·希伯纳说.  “我们已经看到了良好的结果,那些注册使用Rave Guardian的人的交流有所增加.”

最近,DPS收到了新的制服和车辆.  制服使军官们在人群中显得与众不同, as they are easily recognized as being safety officers.  新车辆允许DPS执行任务,而不会出现老化车队可能出现的机械问题.

“去年,在执行副总裁爱德华·德斯普拉斯和总裁托尼·霍珀·彭德格拉斯的支持下,我们购买了新制服和新车,希伯纳说. 他说:“新形象让警务人员在执行日常行动时更有自豪感和专业精神。.”

在不久的将来, 公共安全部门将与物理工厂的工作人员一起更换校园内的门锁系统, 包括重新锁门, replacement of the current electronic door access system and current camera system.  新系统将允许在紧急情况下更快地从建筑物内部封锁, 因此,加强校园安全措施.

安保部工作人员正在不断加强培训.  圣胡安县刑事司法训练局(cjta -警察学院)已经敞开大门,帮助太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的官员在各个领域获得专门培训,以帮助确保校园安全.

校园紧急事件, the DPS can be reached at 566-3333 or for any other non-emergency calls on campus, 电话566 - 4444.




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