Business owners affected by the COVID-19 crisis are being encouraged to act as soon as possible to apply for new funding that is now available.

Business owners affected by the COVID-19 crisis are being encouraged to act as soon as possible to apply for new funding 现在可以在《太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站》的第二项救济计划下获得. The 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站小企业发展中心 工作人员随时准备为企业提供个性化帮助.

通过第二轮救援计划, 《太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站》为小企业提供了额外的3700亿美元贷款. 工资保障计划(PPP), 已获拨款3100亿美元, 而经济损失灾害贷款(EIDL)则额外分配了600亿美元. 政府鼓励企业立即申请获得这笔资金, 而且贷款将按先到者发放, 谁涨基础.

 “随着企业继续度过这一充满挑战的时期, we are here to help them review the regulations and complete the paperwork required to obtain the loans,” said Dr. 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站劳动力与经济发展学院院长洛伦佐·雷耶斯说. “由于资金有限,时间是至关重要的.”

通过第二轮救援计划, agricultural business are now among those eligible to apply for the Paycheck Protection Program funding. 企业可以直接与贷款人合作, 最多可以借1000万美元, 利率是1%. 这笔贷款可延期六个月. In addition, the SBA will forgive loans for businesses who keep all employees on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for payroll, rent, 按揭利息或水电费, minus the $10,000 advance.

另外600亿美元已经分配给EIDL项目, 资助标准正在确定中,很快就可以提供.

The 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站小企业发展中心r is available to assist local businesses in San Juan County via phone, email and zoom conferencing. 可以通过505-566-3528或电子邮件联系他们  当地批准的贷款机构和其他信息可在网站上查阅 SBDC正在提供免费的网络研讨会,这些研讨会也可以在网站上找到.


HIP Hub中的“HIP”是什么

Binti活动的学生Helping to further students’ success is the focus behind 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站’s (High Impact Practices) HIP Hub. 作为引导路径计划的一部分, HIP Hub是最近建立的一种整合更多高影响力教学实践的方式.

高影响力的实践包括服务学习, 共同的智力体验(如一本书/一个社区), 全球研究, 协作作业和项目, 本科研究, 投资组合和顶点项目, internships, 还有第一年的研讨会.

HIP Hub使所有学生受益,特别是那些来自服务不足人群的学生.  参加HIPs的学生更有可能完成大学学业, 保持较高的平均绩点,总体上有积极的大学经历.

 “HIP Hub现在是我们校园多年来几个项目的中心位置,HIP Hub协调员说, 丹尼尔·沙利文. “它允许教育工作者和学生轻松学习和实施HIPs, and it serves as a collaborative space for educators to develop new teaching ideas and learn from one another. 我们是学生的中心.”

One of the first events coordinated through the HIP Hub was the Student Research Conference in December. 学生们介绍了本学期的学术工作,包括科学和学术研究, 视觉和表演艺术以及班级项目. 超过140名学生透过海报活动参与会议, 正式的演讲环节, as well as, 个人和团体项目全天展出.  Dr. Sally Pias, 新墨西哥理工大学的化学副教授, provided a keynote speech on a research project involving computer simulations of oxygen transport in cells and tissues.

在COVID-19校园关闭期间, the HIP Hub has focused on issues of equity offering guidance to instructors on how to create alternative service learning and other experiential learning opportunities The HIP Hub has provided professional development that focuses on equity and access, as well, 论有效的教学方法与创伤知情教学法. 不会举行春季会议,但计划举行秋季会议.

通过电子邮件与HIP Hub联系,


The Big Idea @太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 Manufactures Face Shields to Help Meet the Needs of Medical Personnel

戴口罩的医生大创意@ SJC 不只是一个把想法变成现实的地方吗, 它演变成一个工作空间,以满足我们社区的需求. The 3,000平方英尺的makerspace, 设在商务质量中心, 共享的工作空间是人们可以尝试新想法的地方吗, 或者发明一种新产品.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站正在应对COVID-19危机, 大创意@ SJC makerspace, partnered with ABC Canvas and PESCO to manufacture full-face shields for local medical providers to help meet the national shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). 有了创客空间里的一系列设备,Dr. 彭德格拉斯对太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站Big Idea 是否有助于减轻当地医疗机构的负担.

法明顿人,新墨西哥理工大学学生, Logan Byrom happened to be home for spring break when the demand for the full-face shields increased rapidly, 几乎一夜之间. Logan has been a part of the makerspace at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 since its inception in February of 2019. 他一有机会就毫不犹豫地协助这个项目. He conducted research and then immediately began printing the full-face shield hardware using the 3D printers at The Big Idea

John Byrom, 洛根的父亲,佩斯科的业务发展经理, offered the services of PESCO to manufacture additional face shield hardware using their 3D printers. 科迪沃尔德鲁普, ABC船东, 也加入了努力, 提供透明的乙烯基面罩和附加到硬件的其他部件. 

面罩经过消毒后可以安全重复使用. 截至4月8日, 100 face shields had been made and distributed to two of the COVID-19 testing sites in San Juan County – San Juan Regional Medical Center and Pinon Family Practice.

“个人防护装备如此稀缺, we are very appreciative that our local partners could provide what we are unable to find in the open market,博士解释道。. 乔·波普,皮侬家庭诊所的医生. “These face shields are very sturdy and provide much greater protection from droplet contamination than goggles, 我们的员工以前使用的是哪个. 此外,它们不像护目镜那样起雾,因此能见度更高. I can’t say enough about how our community has come together to support so many needs in an ever-changing environment.”

 我们非常感谢ABC Canvas和PESCO的合作和支持. Pendergrass. “我们都在一起,并希望尽我们所能相互支持.”

所有的面具都在一张桌子上协助更广泛的社区, 口罩的3D打印硬件文件也已经分享给了Dr. 埃尔默·盖伊,纳瓦霍技术大学的校长,在他们的创客空间中使用.

在2019冠状病毒病危机期间,急需设备的生产正在扩大 Big Idea staff, 现在第二位新墨西哥理工学院的学生也加入了进来, Jon Mestas, are currently teaming up with PESCO and San Juan Regional Medical Center to produced tube adapters and other components used for ventilators.  他们目前正在满足该县其他医疗机构的要求.

PESCO的约翰•拜罗姆表示:“我们很高兴有机会参与这项努力。. “我们非常感谢太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站为帮助我们的人民抗击COVID-19所做的贡献.”



太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 partnered with local organizations to establish hotline for individuals who want to help.

当地组织汇集了他们的资源,建立了“想要帮助热线”, 为希望在冠状病毒危机期间提供帮助的个人提供热线. 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站代表, 法明顿市, San Juan County and San Juan United Way came together after learning about the number of people who were asking how they could help during this time.

该组织首先与非营利组织接触,以确定他们当前的需求. 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 offered the services of their Volunteer Center to establish and staff the telephone lines with college employees. A liaison with 法明顿市 will manage a website that hosts information and a needs list. 联络员将与联合劝募会一起工作, 圣胡安县和学院要根据情况的变化定期维护和更新名单.

“我们有一个非常慷慨的社区,在需要的时候团结在一起,凯瑟琳·阿贝塔说, 圣胡安联合劝募会主任. “我们看到有很多人想要自愿提供帮助, 但在目前的情况下, 传统的志愿服务不是一个选择. 然而,仍有需要个人帮助的领域.”

目前的需求包括献血, 食物捐赠, 动物寄养家庭, 口罩捐赠,包括会制作口罩的个人, 医疗志愿者.
任何想帮忙的人请拨打505-566-4210周一至周五上午8点.m. to 5:00 pm. 或访问法明顿市的网站 访问当前需求列表.

In addition, 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站广播电台, KSJE-FM制作了新冠肺炎社区信息特别节目,从23日开始播出. 该节目的目的是将那些有需要的人与能够提供帮助的人联系起来, as well as provide answers to the many questions surrounding COVID-19 and share what businesses are doing during this unprecedented time. 该节目周一至周四上午9点播出.m. on the KSJE Facebook页面 and KSJE YouTube频道 每晚5点06分.m. at 90.9FM and 103.3FM. 通过特别安排,KNMI (Vertical Radio)将于下午12点在他们的电台播放该节目.m. 周一至周四,88点.9 FM.


Anyone who is in need of help can call San Juan United Way’s Helpline at 2-1-1 or 505-326-HELP or visit their website at



太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 has extended the stay-at-home order for non-essential employees from April 10 to April 30. 这一决定是为了支持公共健康和安全, 以及遵守卢扬·格里沙姆州长的指示, 她昨天宣布了.

 “员工们将继续远程工作,直到命令到期。. 托尼·霍珀·彭德格拉斯,太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站院长. “我非常感谢我们的员工,他们继续为我们的学生提供奉献, 大学和我们的社区.”

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站校园将继续对游客和学生关闭, 到4月30日, 并且取消了那天之前的所有活动.

On March 27, the College also extended the delivery of online classes through the end of the spring 2020 semester. 这一决定是在新墨西哥州公共教育部长斯图尔特宣布之后做出的. Stewart announced that all public schools in the state would shift to a learn-at-home model and schools will remain closed for the rest of the academic year. 公立学院和大学不包括在这一名单中. However, the governor strongly urged regents and governing boards to move to online models to the greatest extent possible. Nearly all public higher education institutions in New Mexico have shifted to an online learning model.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的毕业典礼也被推迟,等待进一步通知. 目前校园已经关闭, advisors will be available by phone and online for students to begin registering April 20 for summer and fall classes.

“我们致力于尽我们所能帮助我们的学生取得成功。. Pendergrass说. “学生们被鼓励与他们的导师联系, 教练和指导员, 谁在这里帮助他们度过这个充满挑战的时刻.”  

Students needing additional assistance can contact the 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 Student Achievement Center at They should also continue to check their 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 emails for information regarding the extended closure, 他们的阶级结构, 辅导和其他支持服务. 

The College encourages everyone to stay at home and continue to utilize precautionary and preventive measures to keep our community safe. 查看太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站取消的活动列表, 以及COVID-19资源链接, 还有其他信息, visit
